Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am really upset!

Today I went to take a picture with my digital camera and I couldn't find it. The last place John and I saw it was my office desk upstairs. There was a showing yesterday and we think someone who was in the house took it! We have turned the house upside down and no camera. I had it wedge in between some CD's and my monitor so someone would really have had to be snooping. I also had another disk in there for extra pictures. That really frosts me!! I really don't like having my house on display and other people walking through it all the time, especially when we have been told we can't be here. I have heard that a husband and wife will look at a house and then they split up. One goes with the realtor and the other says they just want to check something out upstairs or in another room. People have reported items missing and their prescription meds. What is this world coming too! I am very disappointed right now, sorry for the vent but it just really frosts me!

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