Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Snow one day gone the next!

The snow is gone! That is just the way I like it. The year we moved down year was a memorable year for snow in NJ and I don't think I'm over it yet!! The last snowstorm we had while in NJ was 21". It wasn't gone until the end of April. I used to get so sick of winter, especially when we had the horses and sheep. Feeding animals and moving them around was not fun when it was so cold, 2' of snow on the ground and don't even get me started about the ice! Try moving two 1,700 lb horses on that!! We live in the Piedmont section of NC and we hardly get snow, almost never (we've never experienced one in almost 5 yrs. here) get hurricanes or tornadoes and the weather is usually very comfortable. This was the first year I had to buy a coat!! I want to say I'm sorry to everyone who has had it with the snow, cold weather, etc. Spring is around the corner!!

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