Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Charlotte Checkers

Last night John, Megan, Ken and I went to a Charlotte Checkers game and the Checkers won! John played hockey in high school and college and while I have never been a huge fan of hockey last night was very exciting! They played the Florida Everblades, who by the way were very rough and scrappy! Our goalie got knocked out cold because the other team player whacked him in the head with his stick-making his helmut and a few of his pads fly off. Very uncalled for behavior! This is a rough sport but that was not a fair play and the guy was called out for the rest of the game. I really enjoyed the Checkers mascot named Chubby. He is a polar bear and he is hysterical! The kids in the crowd just love him and the adults love him too! Here is a picture of Chubby on his ATV throwing T-shirts out to the crowd.

I hope everyone has a great day-gotta get ready for work!

P.S. Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts for John getting the full time position at Best Buy-they decided to give the position to a young guy. Oh well better luck on another job. John is annoyed and tired of younger guys getting the jobs he applies for but I told him there is the perfect job out there for him and that's why these "lesser" jobs don't work out full time!

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