Friday, December 9, 2011

What a nice surprise!

Two years ago I bought a small Meyer Lemon Tree at Lowes in the Fall. I nurtured the tree by putting it outside when it was warm and bringing the tree in when it got colder. I moved it from the townhouse we were in to the house we are now renting. It got wonderful smelling flowers on it at the townhouse and then produce about 13 little lemons! After a while there were only 4 lemons that decided they were going to prosper. Tonight I went to get some iced tea for John and I for dinner and realized there weren't any store bought lemons left. I looked at the lemons on the tree and one of them was ready to be picked. Now mind you I have been waiting 8 months for these lemons to mature so I could pick them! Tonight this one lemon was just ripe enough. I cut it up and it was really, really juicy and it tasted wonderful! There really is nothing like your very own lemon!
Here is the luscious first lemon off the tree.

Here is the lemon on the cutting board-look at all the juice!!

The bowl I started to put the cut up lemon in was just big enough to hold all the lemon.

The next lemon that will be ripe is about twice the size of this one!! The other 2 are about the same size. The lemon seems to be full of juice and doesn't taste bitter like the ones from the store. I might even buy another tree!

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