Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Decorating all around the House!

Yesterday I spent most of the day decorating for Christmas. I had alot of fun doing it! Since we are in a smaller home I thought I would have alot of challenges but I really didn't! I'll take you on a tour of what I have done so far!

Here is our front door wreath-welcome everyone!

Here is our bannister right as you come in the door. I love garlands and lots of little white lights. John realized half the little lights weren't working so today when we were out he got some replacements. He'll do that during the week. Thanks sweetie!

That now brings us to the little cupboard in the entry hall. I have been collecting a few Santas as you can see! Some are handcarved by a man in NJ. I used to buy them from him when we lived there.

Once inside our front door if you go to the right you would be in our Dining Room. Here is the Dining Room all decorated for the holidays!

Here is a closeup of the Dining Room table arrangement.

This little Waterford crystal angel is part of a set. John and I went to Ireland 5 yrs. ago to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary and we brought her and her sister back with us! Every Christmas we put them on the Dining Room table.

When we lived in our Victorian house in NJ I started John on a collection of Dept. 56 New England Village pieces. He loves New England and he went to college there so it was a nice reminder for him. This year I set the New England Village up in our Dining Room.

There are so many pieces to the New England Village I had to continue it on another antique table we have in the Dining Room.

A few years ago John gave me this Willow Tree Nativity. I have other Willow Tree angels too in another room. I have to find the box that has my childhood bible in it. I received my Bible in Sunday School when I was in 3rd Grade and every year I put it with the nativity. I also place a white dove in the greens. That was a tradition my grandmother did every year and I have continued this tradition.

I have collected Dept. 56 Dickens Village pieces for probably for 21 years! I have stopped buying pieces but I put it out every year. I just love it!

I have quite a few Byers Carolers. I put Santa with his Reindeer on the breakfast bar ledge that divides the kitchen cooking area from the breakfast room eating area.
The following pictures are the rest of the Byers Carolers I have, which this year I put on the ledges that divide the kitchen and eating area from the living room.

Here is my 1st stocking! My grandfather bought it for me 50 years ago in Newark, NJ! I treasure this so much.

My grandfather also bought me this ceramic Santa the year I was born. I put this and my first stocking out every year! My grandfather loved Christmas!

This is a special decorative painting plate I bought from a woman named Jane Guthrie. She lived in NJ not far from my house and I went to her studio with a friend (who has now passed away). I had such a good time that day with my friend, it was a wonderful memory for me. I put the plate out every year as a reminder of my friend.

When the girls were little I decided I need a night out to myself. I found out from a friend this woman was giving decorative painting classes in her home. She had a little boy that was very ill and needed the extra money. I signed up for the class and did quite a few pieces which I gave as presents that year for Christmas. I decided to paint on this old sled I bought at a local auction. I haven't been able to paint anything that well again. I had alot of fun, but that year was a special year for me because the lady teaching the class told us on our last class before Christmas that her sons leukemia had gone into remission and it was because of all the prayers all of us had said for him! Miracles do happen!

Here is a closeup of Santa on the sled I painted! I just love the flow of his beard! Wish I could paint like that again!!

This cute little "Peace" pillow says it all! Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards men.

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