Friday, November 28, 2008

I just won the Bookworm Award!

Lynne at Lynne's Little Corner of the World gave me this Bookworm Award! Thanks, Lynne!

There's a meme that goes with this award. Here's how it works: Open the book closest to you, not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment, to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence, as well as two to five sentences following there.

The book closest to me right now is Sugar Cookie Murder. I am currently reading this book.

The Bascombs would put on the appearance of connubial bliss for the crowd of constituents that hd gathered for the party, but it was all for show.

"Lovely dress, Mrs. Bascomb," Hannah said, admiring the white wool dress with white on white wool dress with white-on-white embroidered snowflakes forming a border around the hem and the neckline. Tiny snowflake earrings made of small diamonds twinkled in her ears, and Hannah suspected the worst. It was a well-know fact that Stephanie bascomb bought herself an expensive new outfit every time she thought her husband was cheating on her. And this time she'd bought diamond earrings, too.

Now I need to tag five others (I could only think of 3) for this award and meme. How about:

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