Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Here is some Pics from our little ride of Columbia, SC on Sunday

Sunday John came home from work and said he wanted to take a ride. We headed South and ended up in Columbia, SC. Here is some highlights on our trip! Enjoy the ride!

As we drove away from Charlotte and headed towards Columbia, SC we crossed over the Catawba River. The picture doesn't do it justice, it looked beautiful!

This was a beautiful bed and breakfast in Columbia on a wonderful street of old homes. They were all lovely!

This is the Mann-Simons House in Columbia. Celia Mann, a slave who acquired her freedom in Charleston, walked to Columbia and purchased this cottage in around 1850. Celia and her descendents owned the house until 1970.

We drove down this street that was like driving down the small curving streets of San Francisco. This is a new house that was built to look like an old home. It was beautiful!

Another lovely old home in Columbia, SC.

This was one of the first houses we saw. I love the witches hat by the porch!

Here is a pedestrian bridge we drove under in Columbia, SC.

Here is another pedestrian bridge in Columbia, SC.

This is a building at USC in Columbia, SC.

This is the USC (University of SC) Gamecock Stadium. This stadium is huge!

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